Save-the-date: A rally to protect Maine Landowners
Join us on Saturday, October 14th at 11:30 am
Capitol Park, Augusta
To demonstrate and encourage legislators to fix their mistakes.
In early July, 3,500 Maine landowners from Glenwood Plantation to Windsor, Maine received letters in their mailboxes about a newly proposed 345kV transmission line route directly impacting their property. The landowners impacted by the proposed overhead 345kV transmission line are spread across 41 towns and several townships in Maine along a corridor measuring approximately 170 miles long.
The proposed transmission corridor, called the Aroostook Renewable Gateway, would directly impact land that’s owned and utilized by local farmers, wood harvesters, homeowners, and other rural Mainers. Maine doesn’t need more overhead transmission line corridors on the backs of Maine Landowners, particularly those who rely on land for their livelihoods and are being forced to give up land for something that they didn’t have a say in.
The issue needs to be fixed. Maine needs to study alternative transmission solutions and utilize new technology that neighboring states are using to come up with a better plan for their future transmission needs. When asked over the past two months, most Maine Legislators who supported the legislation (LD 924) claim that they didn’t know that this is what they were voting on or claim that they were told the newly proposed transmission line, Aroostook Renewable Gateway, would be co-located within existing transmission corridors.
Let’s join together in Augusta at Capitol Park on Saturday, October 14th at 11:30am to rally for a better way to meet Maine’s goals for renewable energy. Come encourage Maine legislators to fix their mistakes, before it’s too late.